Thursday, March 24, 2016

Lion Vs. Cobra

Discussing look at Namibia's "Desert" lion. Where exactly are they found? They are in an area as large as the Skeleton Seacoast Park, stretching deep into Kaokoland and Damaraland. Nevertheless some lions, like the Terrace male, wander even more and travel deep into Angola. Officially the study part of the DLC is the higher Kaokoland. An area lacking of roads, transport and communication. Then how come the lions struggling to make it through? Recently, conservation has done a lot to re-establish the wildlife populations in North-Western Namibia. As the wildlife increased, the elephants came further down into communal lands to search. An additional factor is that North-western Namibia a new good rainy season in 1995 which triggered the area communities to move their animals deeper into Kaokoland looking for good grazing - often into big cat territories. Lions are ingenious and soon learned that cattle are much easier prey than a fit young antelope. Cattle form the livelihood of the nomadic Himba and are priceless in their culture, as with the Damara and other local areas. The local communities began to set traps and take the lions - speedily decreasing their numbers. Regarding to Dr Philip Stander, "the "Desert" lion is a prominent feature in Namibia and is highly valued, both aesthetically and financially, by the growing tourism industry. " However, "these local communities endure the costs of living with lions, but do not share equally in the benefits from vacation, and in addition they receive little assistance in managing conflicts. See this Video:
Here The Picture:

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